Friday, August 25, 2006

The following is a declaration of independance originally posted here.

This text is copy-right free, so if you want to use it for a flyer or something you can. Also if you want to modify it you can. Itd be nice however if you did not take all the credit for it.

"We are the workers of the world. We are the oppressed, the poor, the hungry. We are those who have known no freedom but that which has been given to us from the plate of our Masters. We hereby declare independence from those who wish to keep us down. We declare a Free State one in which equality and freedom reign masters of all. We declare ourselves free from Capital and those who serve it. We bow down to no god or master. We hold our heads high with dignity as we say “Ya Basta!” In this declaration we henceforth declare ourselves to be independent from any State. Due to Capitals Insidious and all-permeating nature we do not establish our own physical State. Instead we create a world of freedom in our own hearts and minds. Wherever we are we are free of the bonds of slaver that not so long ago held us down. We declare ourselves independent and free, unbound by the laws that ensure that we are chained down. We declare ourselves independent of these gods that ensure we remain docile. We declare that the only laws which we will follow are those that will ensure that our freedom will not die. We declare that the only masters or governments we serve and follow are those in our hearts and consciousnesses. Bourgeois, Capitalists, Cops, Oppressors be prepared for we have declared our independence of you and we will fight to protect our precious freedom.

Having taken note of our independence we now ask you to note our grievances and demands. These are many, as many as there are oppressed, beaten down and starving people. However we have reduced these to a more acceptable number.
1. We indentify power and its distribution as the source of many of the problems our brothers and sisters face today. Thus we demand that this power be broken down and redistributed back to the people.
2. We identify material positions as the source of power. Thus we demand a redistribution of this wealth in order for everyone to be able to live in dignity and equality, the two things that ccan guarantee our freedom.
3. We identify the police and armed forces of every country as the force legitimising the conservation of the status quo and as tools of reaction against our freedom. Thus we demand that the standing forces and police of every country be demobilised and their weaponry confiscated and destroyed.
These are our first demands. Non-compliance with these demands will be perceived as an aggressive attitude to our idependence and will place the perpetrators of sucha threat in a de facto state of war with all those that seek freedom."

- RzBz

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Shopping Spree
How to Get Free Books, CDs, and Movies from Focus on the Family & Thereby Taking Money out of the Pockets of Anti-Gay Bigots in 12 Easy Steps


Gay marriage is on the ropes and you may be feeling despondent about the tedious process and dim prospects for any kind of meaningful change in the near future. And why wouldn't you? There are a total of eight states in the U.S. that don't have Defense of Marriage amendments either on the books or in the works, and Massachusetts is still the only state that permits same-sex marriage. The Washington State Supreme Court handed down its anti-gay-marriage decision several weeks ago and Washington's gay community is licking its wounds and contemplating an incremental push for civil unions.

When I'm feeling despondent over the state of gay rights in Americaâor the concurrent assaults on reproductive freedom, science, and rational thoughtâthere's just one thing that helps me overcome my feelings of despair: getting free shit from Focus on the Family!

Few people know that Focus on the Familyâthe powerful evangelical Christian para-church based in Colorado Springsâwill give you, absolutely free of charge, books, CDs, and DVDs. Usually people pay for these products, and the millions of dollars raised helps Focus on the Family produce yet more books and CDs featuring Dr. James Dobson and other Focus "experts." (Focus on the Family's experts, when they're not chatting on the phone with Karl Rove, run around the country teaching people how to stop being so gay and when it's appropriate to kick their kids' asses.)

Not only does ordering free stuff from Focus on the Familyâsent to myself or people I don't likeâsatisfy a deeply juvenile impulse, it has the added benefit of taking money directly out of homo-hater Dobson's pocket. The one drawback is that getting free shit from Focus on the Family is a tad time consuming and a bit tricky, but it's well worth the effort.

Here's how to do it:

1. Go to and you will see their home page.

2. Once you're at the home page, look for the "Resources" link in the blue bar on the left-hand side, right above the "Search" box, and click it.

3. Under the "Resource Category" menu on the left-hand side, you'll notice categories such as "Homosexuality." Go ahead and click that for shits and giggles.

4. It's time to start shopping! Scroll down a little bit and feel the homophobia flow. How about a nice copy of A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality? Go ahead and click the "Add to Cart" button.

5. Now comes a tough decision: Do you have the book sent to yourself so you can sell it on eBay for cash (my personal favorite) or do you keep it on your mantel as a high-larious conversation piece to point at and laugh when your friends and family come over? Or do you send it to a jerk? I always opt for sending it to myself. Yes, you may end up on the Focus on the Family mailing list (though I've been doing this for some time and have never received anything beyond what I ordered), but reading Focus on the Family's junk mail is a good way to keep tabs on their activities and it will cost them even more money in postage.

Please note: Focus on the Family won't send you more than $100 worth of materials for free in any given shopping trip, so be sure to keep it reasonable and return often.

6. Select "Add New Shipping Address" and click "Proceed to Checkout." Or, hell, continue to shop and pick up a box set of The Chronicles of Narnia on CD.

7. The next screen will ask you to sign up for an account and give your information. Don't worry, they don't ask for your credit-card number. Enter whatever name and address you like, because you won't be paying.

8. Once you've filled out all the required fields (you can also create a fake e-mail account if you're super paranoid), click "Proceed to Checkout" one more time. You'll now find yourself at the "Here Is Your Cart" field. Annoying thing alert: You may have to reenter your info again after this field to actually set up your account. But just keep going until you get to the "How Much Would You Like to Donate?" page.

9. So, how much would you like to donate? Zero dollars, obviously. Don't be fooled by the field in the lower-right-hand corner that shows you the suggested donation amounts. Simply select "Enter other total amount" and enter 0.00 as the amount you would like to pay. (Don't put in a dollar sign or it will ask you for credit-card information!) Proceed to checkout.

10. You'll now be led to a screen that will try to make you feel guilty about the amount you haven't donated. But don't feel bad! Just proceed to checkout again.

11. Jesus! Here you are on the twelfth step and you still don't have your self-hatred materials! And you thought preventing homosexuality was supposed to be easy! Click "Checkout Now" and you're done.


You have just removed a few dollars from the coffers of a major anti-gay organization. You can further capitalize on your brief investment of time by selling the item/s on eBay. You'd be surprised how much money you can getâa friend of mine makes a few hundred extra dollars every few months on this perfectly legal activity.

And if your conscience begins to bother you, think of it this way: Focus on the Family would probably like for you to have the materials anyway, because there's that minute chance that, once in your hands, the materials may inspire you to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

Finally, don't forget to pass this information on to all your friends. Proselytizing isn't just for Christians, you know. Go gay!