One would expect, in a school such as ours that calls itself international, to find a diversity of opinion and an atmosphere of lively controversy. Che Guevara haunts every corner and backpack, a symbol of adolescent rebellion; yet most often coupled with that common teen abhorrence of communism and fascination with the free market. At the end of the day they all retire to those ‘ever reliable’ McDonalds, Burger King and Starbucks joints – American multi-national corporations that greedily conquer every inch of the planet and engulf the consumer.
Where did originality and individual spirit go? A little while ago, Carpe Diem published an issue with a political cartoon on the front cover. This cartoon depicted a Muslim man (supposedly an Arab) reading a newspaper article about the failed/foiled (and alleged) terror plot while watching a trailer for the infamous ‘Snakes on a plane’ wondering, “Why didn’t we think of that?” I find it shocking, in such an international environment, that people can stoop so low. Have opinions – of course – but have some respect too. This cartoon clearly demonstrates the uniformity of opinion within the boundaries of our school system. And it is racist, discriminatory and unjust. This incriminating assumption on the part of the ‘first world’ countries in the west that “all Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim” shows just how far backward we have come from any possible sense of social justice or equality.
Have you ever held a minute’s silence for the thosands of victims in Palestine? Have you ever even considered the continued plight of the people in Afghanistan and Iraq, or remembered and respected the thousands who suffered from the Tsunami after 2004 was over? And now ask yourself if you’ve remembered or held silence for September 11th victims, of the July 7th bombings in London or even the Armistice of the First World War. Isn’t it perverse? These are ‘first world’ tragedies – that is why they are seen in so important and critical a light. These are disasters that have affected the countries that deem themselves MDC’s. I ask you, are you more developed if you are like the USA and have much money and weapons, and less developed if you’re like Egypt and economically poorer but with a wealth of culture and heritage? Oh yes, I see the logic.
These terms, these stereotypes, these segregations – how can we not yet be rid of them? It is a hypocritical world we inhabit, thinking the west superior because of its military might and power over others. Imperialism is still rife in new forms, and it will make people rise. Oaxaca will lead the way to revolution. And if you’re afraid of a repetition of 1917, then it is time to think and revolutionise your ideas. Have some respect for others, don’t look down at people, don’t use such sick stereotypes of other cultures. And don’t conform. Be original, think for yourselves. Or all the world will be lost to fools.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I would like to thank the Carpe Diem for issuing the obscene cartoon that has inspired this article.
1 comment:
Hey, well i find it hard what you are trying to explain in Oaxaca. I am Mexican and I am living near this state. I used to be part of the International school of Geneva. What I am trying t say is that People are afraid of revolution. The ideologies that are going on in educational Instituttions, or other working insitution for people in labour do affect the idea of getting this revolution act done. Analfabetism, media, politicians are creating fear among people. Frauds on the presidential elections makes the government to be a "neutral" of whats going on since the leader Ulises Ruiz was not elected by the people. The PRI party is shooting these people and not only the APPO members but also civils which are not part of this organization. Since the APPO is made out by the teachers of Oaxaca, children are not going to school. Well this is part of a revolution which is happening. The PAN, which is the govermental party, explains that people in Oaxaca should stop this mess since children do not go to school. Also they don't want to take Ulises Ruiz out of the power since Felipe Calderón, the "elected President" was a total fraud during the elections. This is not convinient for the government. The other thing that you should be aware of is the acts of Calderón. He said the other day about Mexico's problems; that they would take time, money and lives. Well the kind of government that we are having is supported by America, and also it is a Dictatorship that can remind us to Pinochet. Now people which are in favour of these acts in Mexico are people of every type of social class. Students in my school (Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de Mexico) display attiutdes in favour of murdering these people, are presenting that Calderón will be a good president and that Mexico is going to be a superior country. On the other side people believe that this is an act of god. Well how can we have a revolution when people are afraid, don't have anything to fight with, they are ignorant, they are religious (Catholic insitutions supports the PAN since it's the conservative party, part of the Opus Dei), America supports the government and there are frauds in the whole republic.
Its difficult but needs to be done. Also, why wouldn't america do anything after the murder of Brad Will. An american man who wass making a documental of what is happening in Oaxaca. Check this place out, it's in spanish but you can wittness what is going on. How people are defending themselves, and how Brad is murder during his film. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3664350201077731285
Atte Leonardo Lozano
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