Sunday, June 18, 2006

By 1^Зпэмұ
By RzBz

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


One of the greatest advantages of tagging, graffiti or writing is that it is one of those things that most people don’t know whether to condemn or not, so people will think twice before denouncing you. None the less it requires some organization and ethics so that you don’t end up in jail or give a negative image to the community as whole. The first thing to do is meet up with other artists. This has several advantages. If you cannot draw nor have no artistic skills they will be able to teach about some techniques. Also they will know how to operate spray cans and things. The most important advantage though is that you'll be able to go on "bombing" raids (this is what some people call graffiti) on your own. Going on your own may seem like a good idea (no need to coordinate, less crowds and so on) but eventually you will be caught, due to the facts you cant be looking out for yourself AND create appreciable pieces of work. Not only this but you a lone person is more dubious than a group. A good number for a graffing "cell" is 3. This enables one person to work comfortably, one person to look out and another to assist the first. Taking turns is a good idea so that no one person is bored or tired of what they are doing. Good places to meet fellow artists will vary from city to city but looking for your nearest graph shop is good. There you'll be able to meet fellow graphers without having to ask awkward questions. A good place to network in Geneva is the 242 (242 shop - rue du vieux-billard 4 / 1205 geneve) street-shop. It sells tons of good materials and attracts a large crowd from the urban underground artistic community. You should be able to find someone to work with.
Your gear is essential to any successful operation. The first thing you’ll need is "writing" equipment: spray paint is ideal, because of its versatility and rapidity of use. A problem with spray paints is their size and the noise they make. Special bags can be bought or made, and pocket cans purchased though. Regular paints would work as well but spray paint is really a must. Stencils are good if your going to be doing many of the same throughout your area and work fast and well once you know how ( for more info on that). A respirator is very useful so you don’t hurt your lungs but cost a lot and are difficult to make. You should also plan to take gloves and a hat. Your clothes should not be too showy and cover at least your fore arms and legs. Once you and your partners are geared up you should try to fin the time you can all go. A good moment is around 3 or 4 in the morning if you’re going to go to a major urban or residential center as this is the time people are least alert. If not you can plan to go some time after midnight at least, once again not to get caught. At least for the first few times, try to go with someone more experienced than you. Get around fast is essential if you plan to hit large areas fast. Good means include bicycles, roller skates and skate boards if you don’t have a car or can’t use one. OF course a car would be best because you can relax and spray calmly; waiting for each layer to dry inside your vehicle, but this may not be convenient in some situations. The essential thing is not to get caught of course. IF you do get busted attempt to remain calm: avoid antagonizing the police officer or rent-a-cop and avoid breaking down and crying. This way they may just let you off. Avoid having any personal items such as ID cards on you as they may fall out. Try to keep up the artistic or intellectual value of your work or it will get quickly buffed over. Try to get recognition by keeping the same style for most of your work. Always try to find the best location such as high places, government buildings, trains ect. so that your work gets a maximum of coverage.
There are a few rules you should remember when painting on walls:

- Never hit any place you know cannot afford it (especially poorer areas)- Never Vandalize: tagging should not solely destructive- Try not to paint over other artists work (unless it’s fascist or bad) - Don't boast- Don't steal other artists work

Saturday, June 10, 2006

First up is another collage i made. That's a refugee child in case you were wondering. it sould be the right sizae and fomat for most screens as a back ground. It is rather fancy and rather not very good, but i try.

This is an advertisement for this very website. Feel free to print one or two if you want ot show your support and stick them up wherever you feel like. im also working on some neat little stickers. E-mail me if you want some.
This is another collage. It is even poorer than the previous one.

Once agian the right size for a Back ground.
Tune in Monday for another update.

Talking of which Rioter's Blog Updates Bi weekly, on the weekend and on wednesday or thursday.

We still need writers so please feel free to send us your articles, recipies drawings, ect...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

"EZLN calls for International Support

Zapatista Army of National Liberation
May 3, 2006

Compañeros and Compañeras around the World:

This is Insurgent Lt. Col. Moise's speaking to you,

Today we have entered into a Red Alert.

Our compañeras and compañeros from Texcoco near San Salvador Atenco (State of Me'xico) were attacked. This is a place where our compañero Subcomandante Marcos has just visited. We are calling for a national and international mobilization against the government of Vicente Fox for May 4th beginning at 8 in the morning in front of Mexican embassies.

Up to this point we do not know how many dead and injured there might have been because our brothers and sisters from Atenco were confronted by the forces of the bad government and they defended themselves.

Stay tuned compañeros and compañeras.
We will be in contact when necessary. "

-This was released on the Third of May 2006. I realise its abit late but these events were of major importance. I was unable to report on them in the newspaper at the time. If you want more information on theis visit .

More events of importance are renewed violence in the French Banlieues. Int he night of te 30th to the 31st the marginalised area of montfermeil saw many confrontations between the police and masked youth. In between 200 and 300 young people attacked the police in the area after the police had arrested a young man and his mother. This was perceived as yet another police provocation in an area that saw the birth of the riots last autumn. This area has virtually no public transport to the city of Paris. only an erratic bus service connects this area to the outside. this is seen by many of the inhabitants as a step to exclude the poor from Paris. During the violece several cars were burnt and six Policemen were injured. Many people were arrested, mainly for throwing rocks. One of the young men that had been with the two electrocuted last year and had set off the first riots was arrested.
Nicolas Sarkozy has been attempting to dress these events up as racial riots. He has stated that those rioting are mainly young Blacks and Aravs, two large minorities in France. He has also stated that the riots are the work of organised criminal organisations ina n attempt to take full control of the "Cités", implying that all Blacks and Arabs are criminals. The fact is that these riots are the consequence of the politics of the government and parts of french society who seem to be attempting to minimise the problems of poverty by placing it to the sude and carefully ignoring it.
Nicolas Sarkozy seems poised to take ofver the government from Jacques Chirac, at the expense of VIllepin. This definitely confirms frances shoft to the Right, exposed during the last elections with Le Pen's assention to the second electoral round fro presidency. Sarkozy's UMP party is ideologically close to Le Pen's Front National.

All images ar copyright to their respective owners