Saturday, July 29, 2006

Right now i am unable to update this website as regularly as i would like. However let me bring to your attention the Indymedia website that is covering the ongoing (genocidal) war in Lebannon. Also of note is the text entitled "Daddy, why did Israel do this to us?" by Raida Hatoum.

I highly advise you get involved in your community to bring this war to an end.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Firstly i'd like to appologize for not updating Rioter's Blog more often, but what with the hoilidays and so on i really havent been bothered to. However fro those of you who have nto been really following whats been going on outside of your homes ill do a quick run down of the dismall situation in the world today.

A few months a go hope ran in the air. From the streets of Paris to those of Atenco, Mexico a few months ago the world was vibrant wiht resistance. This has all evaporated into thin air as throughout the globe the orces of ruthless reaction and deadly repression roll on into the soft belly of innocence, gutting it and leaving its still-warm twitchin body for dead. In recent weeks we have witnessed as from the streets of Mexico, to those of Beiruth the million little deaths of democracy at the hands of smiling tyrants.
Most urgent is the situation in Lebannon. There hundreds are displaced and tens die each day under the treads of the mighty Israeli war mahine. Since earlier on this year, this fanatically religious terrorist state has been reinforcing its offensives on the native Arab nations that surround it. Palestine especially has suffered tremedously in the past few months as the Israelis have cut off their supplies, deprivin g tens of thousands of the basic necessities such as water and food. Most hospitals have either been bombed or are disfunctional due to the lack of electricity. In fact no one has any electricity in Gaza after the Israeli aviation destroyed every electricity plant in that area. In complete disregard for the legal deomocratic process in place within the Palestinian "controlled" areas by bombing, repetedly, the buildings of government. And they still manage to attempt to convince the world that they are the victims, that they are prey to dastardly acts of terrorism that fully justiy destroying the lives of scores of civilian palestinians, including but not limited to children, women and old men. But what is the worse thing? That the hipcrites sitting in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Washington have almost convinced the world they are under attack? Or the idiotic excuse they used to kill so many thousands? That one soldier, a non-commanding officer, was captured by Palestinian militants. After this event a righteous storm of unbriddled fury swelled throughout the world. indignation that a soldier was captured? in a war? Who are they kidding? Do they really beleive that the public will swallow this? perhaps the worst thing of this whole sorry affair is that the sheepish public did beleive it was a legitimate excuse...
Now it is upon Lebanon that Israel has turned its holy wrath. Provoked or not this attack upon the Lebanese people has already killed thousands and dsplaced many more. is there no respite for the imperialist biggots?

Be sure to sign the petition bellow: