Sunday, January 21, 2007


Having a bias is part of being human. In moments of anger, angst or intense fear, when our opinions are challenged, biases can emerge more violently than they are intended, or indeed felt, and can make us say things that we regret. But supporting the fight against one injustice, should not require another to arm it. That is to say, if one man is torturing another, the third man ought not to resort to killing the torturer in order to save the victim. My words will of course be turned against me, and without further explanation, it would be justified. So, let me state, I am not supporting injustice. But I do believe that an eye for an eye turns the whole world blind.

On the news each day more corpses, bombardment, famine, suffering, poverty. But which of these have we not seen or heard of before? How is it then, that despite people’s concern, sympathy and good will, revolutionary spirit and brilliant ideologies, we are still facing the same problems that our ancestors were confronted with in 1917, 1848, 1789…? It is partly apathy, but not only. It would be wrong to think that our world survives as it is because of pure ignorance on the part of the fortunate minority.

But if they do care, if they do react – if people feel the pain of their fellow humans, why has society not evolved to a more just state? In order to answer this question, it is best to begin at the micro-level of our school. Privileged (and spoilt) as we are, there are many who may not care very much about that which does not affect them directly. However, there are people who do – people who feel the need to act when learning about the bombing of Somalia, or the flooding in Malaysia. Yet, they can only go so far. The power of the people is in fact so greatly removed that there is hardly anything that can be done. What can you and I, sitting at our desks and writing, do except perhaps raise awareness? We may protest, but in the end, the will of “the leaders” will not bend – George Bush, for example, strode in and invaded Iraq despite hundreds of demonstrations, millions of people across the world protesting against it. The sad fact of the matter is that we can shout as loud as we like, come together, as few as we are, and revolt and still be suppressed.

However, change can be initiated, and in the long run, prove fruitful. If we begin, in our own small communities (school, home etc.) to spark the ideas against injustice, we may eventually all be able to rise. Just because we do not qualify as adults, does not mean that we are indifferent to the ways of the world. Begin now, and things will change in the future. But static belief, conformism and apathy should be eschewed, or they will define what we become in the future – inhuman.

Therefore, though it is frustrating, horrifying, sickening, to recognize our current incapacity, know that voicing your concern on world matters is a first step. The world can change, and numbers matter. So, when in doubt, remember that together our united voice can shake the foundations of society, but divided – each individual’s call becomes indistinguishable white noise.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.